Spin Doctor
Is lack of space and clutter causing you distress? Well, here's a stylish remedy to cure all your design dilemmas.
What you'll need
• table saw 1346-636
• drill 1240-653
• 1/4" drill bit 1243-853
• hammer 1030-665
• tape measure 1048-967
• mitre saw 1347-890
• 16" x 8' pine shelves (4)
• 31/16" crown moulding (2)
• 11/8" x 8' pine panel trim (2)
• 1" x 4" pine
• 24" x 48" plywood
• 1/4" x 12" x 48" cork
• wood pegs (4) 8294-650
• mirror
• shelf supports (2 pkgs)
• 2" finishing nails 2130-152
• 3/4" #8 wood screws (4) 2173-533
• wood glue 2020-306
• swivel base
• sandpaper 1061, 1078
Here's How
- 3 16" x 62" panels - back and sides
- 3 16" x 171/2" pieces - top, bottom, and base
- 4 153/4" x 15" pieces - shelves
- 4 pieces of 1 x 4 to form a 16" x 171/2" rectangular frame
- For adjustable shelf placement, drill rows of holes in each of the side panels 2" from the front edges and 3" from the rear edges at 2" intervals.
- Assemble the sides over the back panel with glue and nails.
- Glue and nail the top and bottom 16" x 171/2" pieces to the body of the cabinet.
- Cut the moulding to fit around the cabinet top. Glue and nail.
- Cut 1/4" plywood to cover the top to the outer edges of the moulding. Glue and nail.
- For the base, assemble a 1 x 4 frame that is 16" x 171/2". Complete the base by fastening the 16" x 171/2" top to the 1 x 4 frame.
- Cut and fasten the moulding to the base making it flush with the bottom edges.
- Sand surfaces, prime, and paint as desired. Paint colours shown: Cabinet: Cream of Wheat, Inside Cabinet: Unexpected.
- Assemble the swivel base to the cabinet and cabinet base according to instructions. Ensure the cabinet and base are centred and oriented in the 16" and 171/2" direction.
- After the turntable is installed, mount the 1/4" plywood cover over the bottom of the base and touch up paint as required.
- Insert shelf supports at the desired levels and install shelves.
- Cut cork to size and attach with contact cement. Cut pine panel trim for the corkboard; paint and nail in place. Touch up paint.
- Attach wood pegs to one side.
- Mask the mirror with tape and paint the mirror frame. Attach mirror to one side with wood screws for safety.