Make sure you have extra fuses on hand to protect appliances and safeguard against electrocution and fire. Every electrical circuit in your home is protected by a fuse. These little electrical safety components work to remove electrical currents from electrical circuits when the current is too high. When a fuse blows and removes the electrical current, it will need to be replaced.
It’s important to replace blown electric fuses with the correct type of fuses. You also want to ensure the new fuse is the right amperage rating for its circuit. If your circuit uses 20 amps, a fuse rated for 15 amps will blow right away. Electric fuses are available in different formats. Plug fuses screw into sockets while cartridge fuses have contact points at either end. A slow burn or time delay fuse is used with certain types of electrical appliances. This type of fuse allows for a brief surge in electricity before the fuse blows.