Are you fascinated by constantly moving hummingbirds? They're on the hunt for nectar from flowers such as columbines, daylilies and petunias. These pretty birds also love syrup served in specially-designed hummingbird feeders. Hanging one in your garden will likely attract them for your enjoyment. Hummingbird nectar is available in various formats. The easiest kind is ready to use straight out of the bottle. Depending on your feeder design, you can choose a colourless liquid or a red one. Some feeders come in red plastic and some are clear.
The second option is a concentrated form of hummingbird nectar. You mix these with water. Hummingbird nectar concentrate is available in clear or red as well. You can also choose a nectar concentrate that provides more energy to the birds. Watching a hummingbird hover by flapping its wings like a fan, tells you how much energy it needs. Make your outdoor living more enjoyable with a hummingbird feeder.