When you install, repair or replace a water pump, it's important to do so correctly to ensure your household has clean, safe water. There are different types of water pumps available. Well pumps are common with properties in rural areas. A typical well water system lifts water from an underground well and delivers it to a storage tank. It’s then pressurized and stored until needed. Most pumps are electric and use suction to draw the water through pipes. Well pumps generally fall into two categories, jet pumps and submersible pumps. The type of electric water pump you choose will depend on the depth of your well.
Septic tanks collect and treat wastewater. It's important to maintain them and make sure they don't get clogged. Sewage pumps in residential applications move sewage from a basin to a sewer system or a septic tank. They are ideal for basement installation, below-grade toilets, laundry facilities and general dewatering. It's always a good idea to make sure pump filters and components are up-to-date and working efficiently.