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Cottage Home
BakerStone 90 Second Video - International Version(1080p)
Loft peint avec puits de lumière
Cottage Home

Flood preparedness

Know the essentials

FFR Stocking up for school starts with basic school supplies, so make sure you’ve got plenty of paper, pens, pencils and highlighters on hand. Smart plugs and power strips will keep you connected—look for models with built-in USB ports. Leave one outlet open to plug in a desk lamp for late night study sessions. If your school day involves bringing a lunch, consider some eco-friendly beverage bottle and food container options. 


Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen

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Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen

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Additional Tips to Keep Your Home Cool

  1. Keep window blinds and curtains closed during the day, especially on windows that receive direct sunlight 

  2. Run your washing machine, dishwasher and other heat-producing major appliances in the evening instead of the day whenever possible 

  3. Turn on your bathroom and range hood exhaust fans to help quickly cool down areas where showering and cooking have caused increased heat and humidity 

  4. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated: you’ll feel cooler and it will help offset balance any potential dehydrating effects from a constantly running air conditioner 

  5. Turn off the stove and consider salads and BBQs as cooler alternatives to oven-cooked meals in the heat of summer 

  6. Tuck yourself into breathable sheets made from natural fibers like linen, cotton, or percale for moisture-wicking comfort on hot summer nights

An air conditioner can help turn your home into a comfortable haven in the heat of summer. But it doesn’t have to do it alone. There are many ways you can maximize the power of your air conditioner to help cool your home. With a little forethought and some basic measures, you’ll be beating the heat and reducing your carbon footprint in cool, air-conditioned comfort this season.

20x20 star icon. Tuck yourself into breathable sheets made from natural fibers like linen, cotton, or percale for moisture-wicking comfort on hot summer nights


Most smart security cameras offer free monitoring through the mobile app, but some require professional monitoring, especially if it was part of a larger security system. Professional monitoring gives you an extra layer of protection in case you’re unable to call for help. Monthly or yearly costs can differ greatly.


For privacy reasons, most alarm companies are not able to view your livestreams. Some companies offer video verification which allows them temporary access to your livestream when an alarm is triggered. For protection from third parties, look for a minimum of two-factor authentication to help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts. Multi-factor authentication via fingerprint or face ID apps is even better. 


A good security system will help keep your home and family safe. A Smart Home security system with Smart cameras offers additional safety and convenience options. Start browsing our wide selection Smart security cameras now to see what works best for your home.

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Loft peint avec puits de lumière


Lorem ipsum dolor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amen

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Learn More

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.


Most smart security cameras offer free monitoring through the mobile app, but some require professional monitoring, especially if it was part of a larger security system. Professional monitoring gives you an extra layer of protection in case you’re unable to call for help. Monthly or yearly costs can differ greatly.


For privacy reasons, most alarm companies are not able to view your livestreams. Some companies offer video verification which allows them temporary access to your livestream when an alarm is triggered. For protection from third parties, look for a minimum of two-factor authentication to help prevent unauthorized access to your accounts. Multi-factor authentication via fingerprint or face ID apps is even better. 


A good security system will help keep your home and family safe. A Smart Home security system with Smart cameras offers additional safety and convenience options. Start browsing our wide selection Smart security cameras now to see what works best for your home.

Test 1234

Additional Tips to Keep Your Home Cool

  1. Keep window blinds and curtains closed during the day, especially on windows that receive direct sunlight 

  2. Run your washing machine, dishwasher and other heat-producing major appliances in the evening instead of the day whenever possible 

  3. Turn on your bathroom and range hood exhaust fans to help quickly cool down areas where showering and cooking have caused increased heat and humidity 

  4. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated: you’ll feel cooler and it will help offset balance any potential dehydrating effects from a constantly running air conditioner 

  5. Turn off the stove and consider salads and BBQs as cooler alternatives to oven-cooked meals in the heat of summer 

  6. Tuck yourself into breathable sheets made from natural fibers like linen, cotton, or percale for moisture-wicking comfort on hot summer nights

An air conditioner can help turn your home into a comfortable haven in the heat of summer. But it doesn’t have to do it alone. There are many ways you can maximize the power of your air conditioner to help cool your home. With a little forethought and some basic measures, you’ll be beating the heat and reducing your carbon footprint in cool, air-conditioned comfort this season.

20x20 star icon. Tuck yourself into breathable sheets made from natural fibers like linen, cotton, or percale for moisture-wicking comfort on hot summer nights


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